Fish Shooting Time
Fish Shooting Time Tags, Control and description
Arcade, Fighting, Shooting, Adventure, Action, Fish, Animal, Guns, ,
Game controls:
Use the arrow keys to move around, and left click to shoot.
Game description:: Johnny has been bullied around for a while by the other big fishes in the ocean. Now it is his time for him to stand up and defend his territory. Shoot all the fishes that come in his area, kill a certain amount of fish to advance to the next level.
Fish Shooting Time Video
About Fish Shooting Time
On, you can play free online flash games with Fish Shooting Time online, now, this game have 4571 total plays, have rating 6 good and 2 bad.
We find some of the game: Chosen Path
, Extreme Shooting Adventure, , Fish Hunt, Monster Hunting City Shooting and Attack Time. To play other games, go to the arcade games, fighting games, shooting games, adventure games or page.
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